The teams

The direction

José F. Rodriguez Queiruga
Economist, Graduated in EU Law
Professor and Writer.
Author of the book "France a model for Europe and a permanent revolution.
Creator of the ALPHA Test.
Co-founder of the company ULYSSE SAS.
Commander France of the Order of Knights of Maria Pita.
President of CLARO

Sabino Serrano Segovia
Vice-President of the Chilean Chamber of Commerce and Industry in France.
Vice-President of CLARO
Certified mediator Spanish Official Chamber of Commerce in France (IFOMENE).
Formalist mediator with the commercial courts.
President of companies.
Partner, Co-Founder of Chartered Accountancy firms.

André Balesi
General Delegate of the Cercle Colbert "Association bringing together local elected officials, French parliamentarians and managers of large companies"
Management of local communities and regional development.Manager of ACTERYS.
Advice on economic and regional press, with public authorities.
Vice-president of CLARO
Delegates and Specialists

Alejandro Otazu
Délégué Uruguay
Spécialiste des Stratégies de Marque et Communication Publicitaire

Itzel Lombardo
Déléguée Panamá

Pamela Cesaretti
Délégué México

Sylvain Lesecq
Spécialiste comptabilité

Spécialiste Culture Latino-Américaine

Carlos Contreras
Délégué Chile
Spécialiste en Logistique et Transport
Spécialiste en Design de Business Model

Carlos Bethancour
Délégué Cuba

Angélica Montes
Déléguée Colombia

Alfredo Benites

Franss Conde
Spécialiste Gravure/Peinture