CCLAM : The Latin American Chamber of Commerce (Cámara de Comercio Latino-Americana), is a professional organization of an international character, incorporated in Paris on April 9, 1929 and registered at the Paris Police Prefecture on April 11, 1929, under no. ° 24288, re-registered W751024288.
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The General Assembly celebrated on October 7, 2013, renewed the Board of Directors and set the registered office at 30/32, Boulevard de Sébastopol - 75004 PARIS, in the historic heart of Paris, located between Beaubourg and Les Halles and between the Tower Saint Jacques and the Hôtel de Ville in Paris.
Statutes of the Latin American Chamber of Commerce, Article 2
"The object of the Latin American Chamber of Commerce is to facilitate the development of industrial, commercial, agricultural, financial, professional and technical relations between France and the countries of Latin America."
The history and circumstances of the founding of the Latin American Chamber of Commerce were determined by the financial events of the decade 1920/30.

Indeed, this decade was characterized by growing growth in financial markets where speculation had taken over the productive economy. Investors were no longer looking for dividends generated by shares and holdings in companies with regular productive activity, they were looking for capital gains from short-term speculative activity (buying in the morning to sell in the evening). This transformation in the philosophy of investors and in the fundamental activity of the markets created liquidity bubbles placed on financial instruments intended to speculate and not to finance the real economy. This system ended up causing the crash of October 24, 1929, the consequences of which everyone still knows.
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The disproportionate growth of the financial bubble and the scarcity of markets, prompted some think tanks to sound the alarm, and this is how some analysts of the time, seeing the danger of the financialization of the economy have undertaken information campaigns, through the creation of pressure groups and preventive economy actions, that is to say, promoting the sectoral and geographical diversification of investments, and focusing attention on Latin America, where a certain number of raw materials located on its soil, would be priorities in the future, and this in order to prepare a rational and sustainable exploitation of resources which would also allow the development of the productive forces of the producing countries, a key element of geostrategic balances. From our era.
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Foundation of the Latin American Chamber of Commerce.
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The consequences of these new currents of thought, concluded, as far as we are concerned, with the foundation, on April 9, 1929, in Paris, of the Latin American Chamber of Commerce, whose founders were able to anticipate the crash that occurred 6 months later, creating the conditions for the markets of all Latin America to open up to France, and through France, to part of Europe, thus allowing a diversification of risks protecting our economy during the most serious moments of the stock market crisis

The Latin American Chamber of Commerce in 2013
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Today, in the midst of the financial crisis, when everyone is preparing to celebrate the 84th anniversary of the 1929 Crash, the Latin American Chamber of Commerce is relaunching its activities with an appeal to the authorities and to the French and European economic world, to that they turn their gaze to Latin America.
This continent, close to our hearts and far from our eyes, needs us as much as we need them. Their growth rate triples ours, and our way of life still makes them dream.
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The Chamber, which we will call CCLAM, therefore has an important role to play: it has a project, partners, a diversified network, an action program, a complex and innovative system of training and evaluation, it sponsored the creation of a new linguistic and professional certification.